Compressed Air Systems eBook

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Control Specialties is your Compressed Air expert and Drain Trap supplier. 

Expand Your Compressed Air Knowledge with Our Expert eBook.

The effectiveness of equipment design to clean, dry and condition air depends on the air drain trap selected and how well it operates.

* A 100 horsepower compressor operating at 100 psig will produce 3.74 gallons of water per hour. In one 24 hour cycle that amounts to 89.9 gallons of water.
* Air drain traps come in many styles and types so let us review your options along with pros and cons for each type offered.
* A manual drain valve requires an operator to open the drain valve at the right time and for the correct duration to blow the water from the system.
* Consider use of mechanical traps for only clean applications to avoid much frustration.
* Virtually all timer valves are set to over blow and not allow water in the system resulting in large air losses.
* We try to avoid product mention but the Float Operated Drain Trap made by Drain All is worth mentioning due to a long track record of reliable operation with zero air loss. 

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